Friday, 11 December 2020

Tips for self improvement

self improvement

Self improvement is a process related to self love, it is a process which can be continued infinitely which has no end. It is very much related to our mental health and optimistic way of life. One has to involve in self improvement and self care activities for taking care of others around us. Here are certain tips, for self improvement for leading a satisfactory life forever:-

Tips for Self improvement:-

1. Start making time for doing things that you love:-



Involve yourself in an activity related to your favourite hobby. How busy your life may be, allocating time for small things that you love will give you a great sense of satisfaction.

2. Create a plan before doing anything:-

It is not necessary to spend money for attractive planners or work books, use an old diary or any other books for creating effective plans for the important works. This will give an enthusiasm to finish the work, which prevents procrastination.

3. Journal daily:-

Start maintaining a journal. It is believed that writing down our worries and thoughts in a sheet of paper will relieve stress and unwanted thoughts from our mind. Journaling before going to bed, will help in waking up with a clear mind, the next morning.

4. Create a relaxing space:-

Create a place somewhere in your home, where you can relax yourself. Fill the space with things that make you happy, add colourful paintings, plants, books etc. Spend some time each day there for refreshing your mind.

5. Reward yourself for a task well done:-

Reward yourself, as a motivation to complete any task. If you feel any work very difficult to complete, this idea can be a motivation for completing the task as an excitement for the reward that you have planned for yourself.

6. Drink plenty of water daily:-

If you do not have the habit of drinking plenty of water daily, then practice yourself with this habit. Write down this in your to do list daily and maintain a personal water bottle for yourself.

7. Have a morning and night routine:-

Human minds are well equipped for similar routines. Practice maintaining a set of activities in your morning and night routine for maintaining both physical and mental health.

8. Start reading books:-

Reading books helps in not only improving your knowledge, but also in your vocabulary and communication skills.

9. Keep yourself busy all the time:-

Engage yourself in plenty of activities daily to divert your mind from getting in to unwanted thoughts and imagination. But the important factor is that, don’t commit yourself in so much of works above your capacity, which will result in further stress and disappointment.

10. Make to do lists:-

In order to organize your day, prepare a to do list the previous night. You can visibly create a plan for the day, by prioritizing the important works.


So these are the effective tips for self improvement, for beginners. Hope you found this article useful, if so comment your opinions below.

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