Sunday, 3 May 2020

Lip care tips/How to get pink lips

Naturally pink lips

Naturally pinkish lips is being a day dream for all of us, as now a days maintaining the originality of our lip colour seems to be a difficult task for most of us, due to the busy and hurry burry daily routines. Moreover, changes in the lifestyle brings changes in the natural texture of our skin. But if we try to nourish our skin back to its form, the natural beauty of our skin can be gained again.
Here I have added some ideas that naturally work on our lips to maintain it soft and pinkish. But before discussing about that let us try to understand  about some basic facts about our skin.
Our skin actually is made up of multiple cellular layers.We know that blood flows in every parts of our body.But this flow of blood is not visible for us, as these cellular layers with multiple coating is covering the entire body. But lip is the only area where it is covered with only four to five cellular layers. So that the pinkish red colour is visible for us. Because of certain reasons we are losing its natural pinkish colour and a discolouration starts to appear.

Before discussing how to get pink lips back, let us analyze some of the causes of discolouration in lips:-

1. Anemia:
Causes of discouration:anemia
If your lips are very pale or white in colour, this can be anemia. This condition may arise due to iron deficiency or vitamin B12 deficiency. By identifying the root cause for this, it can be easily recovered.

Causes of discouration:anemia

2. Smoking:
If your lips are black, the common reason is due to smoking. The nicotine present in it, causes the dark colouration of the lips and gums
Causes of discouration:smoking

3. Injuries/reduced amount of blood supply:
 Due to any reason, if the blood supply to the lip area is reduced, you may have a dark or black coloured lips.

4. Medicine:
Causes of discouration:medicine
Medications like antibiotics, medicines for treating diseases like cancer, etc may cause spots, cracks and discolouration of your lips. Proper treatment can reduce all these effects.
5. Exposure to sunlight:
Causes of discouration:sundamage
Exposing ourselves in too much of sunlight can cause pigmentation, which causes dark colouration in our lips. Use lip balms with SPF while travelling outside, even if it is a cloudy day.

Causes of discouration:sun damage

6. Cosmetics:
Most importantly using too much of cosmetics may cause dark colouration in your lips as they may have various chemicals that affect our skin. I am not preferring to avoid these products entirely, but
Causes of discouration:cosmetics
usage of these can be limited to the maximum extend.


  While staying at home we can use some natural ingredients to pamper our lips and also we can follow certain habits that may help us to maintain our lips smooth and pink.

Tips/home remedies for pink lips:

1. Homemade beetroot lip balm:

tips to get pink lips:beetroot lip balm

Peel the skin off of a small piece of beetroot and take fresh juice from it. Add the juice in to a clean pan and heat it just for a while. Then add some ghee (clarified butter) along with it. Combine both the ingredients and switch off the stove. Let it cool, and once it is cooled transfer it in to an air tight container and store it in refrigerator for up to one week. You can use this lip balm during the night time or when you are staying at home. An immediate result can be seen, just after the first use itself. The only thing you have to do is go to your kitchen, grab the ingredients and start making the lip balm.

tips to get pink lips:beetroot lip balm

 2. Stay hydrated:
tips to get pink lips:hydration

This is one of the tip that you may have been hearing it for the hundredth time. But this works like magic in our skin. Drink water up to two liters a day. This may prevent you from getting  chapped and cracked lips. And not only for the lips, it also detoxifies your body and brings a glow from inside.

3. Remove makeup:
This is the thing that most of the women either forget or feel lazy to do. Removing the makeup and all the dirt that may have been accumulated on our skin, is  a most important habit to practice. Otherwise it may affect our skin adversely

4. Natural alternatives for lip balm:

tips to get pink lips:unsalted butter
tips to get pink lips:coconut oil

Coconut oil and unsalted butter acts as the amazing natural alternatives for the lip balms. It makes our lips soft and smooth and also prevents our lips from getting cracked or getting dried

One day or day one decide it now, and start pampering yourself!

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